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Why CBD & Fitness Go Hand In Hand

CBD is one of over 100 cannabinoids found in the hemp plant. It is quickly becoming a go-to product for overall health and well-being but is also being used to treat numerous health-related symptoms in individuals worldwide.

CBD is a natural way for me to achieve high performance and attain the recovery time I need. - Samantha Tucker, U.S. Paralympic Athlete

CBD and Pain

CBD acts on the endocannabinoid system and has been shown to manage a wide array of symptoms including pain and inflammation. CBD acts on CB1 and CB2 receptors to decrease pain signals from the brain to the body, as well as reduce localized inflammation.

One of the most common complaints during exercise is pain. Whether it be due to an injury from years ago, daily aches and pains or chronic pain, CBD can help manage discomfort during exercise.

CBD and Recovery

If you’ve ever over-exercised a muscle group, you know that it can be an uncomfortable experience. Pain, swelling and muscle spasms are common symptoms experienced after intense exercise. CBD can help.

When CBD acts on CB1 and CB2 receptors in the endocannabinoid system, it reduces errant or overactive signals to the brain. This will reduce pain signals and muscle spasms and calm the overactive sensory system.

CBD and Yoga Cannabis and Yoga are becoming a more prominent couple in the fitness industry. There are cannabis yoga classes cropping up all over the world and gaining in popularity. Individuals are looking to take their yoga practice to a whole new level.

CBD may provide relaxation for some yogi’s looking to clear their mind and have a stress-free session on the mat while providing pain relief for others.

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